Volunteering Opportunities
We are so grateful for the amazing volunteers that donate time and money to support Poudre Libraries Programs. Every year our volunteers contribute thousands of hours to support the Friends.
BE A PART of the Friends of the Library community through its many volunteer opportunities for ages 18 years and above. Check out the wide variety of roles below and fill out the form to signup today.
Volunteer Roles & Signup Form
Setup & Takedown
Help setup and takedown book sale rooms, tables, signs and book boxes
Tally Table
Friendly people that can count books under pressure
Floor Monitors
Sort & organize books and help our friendly shoppers
Transport M-F
Deliver books from Sorting Center to warehouse. Must have own transport
For those that are good at counting money, technology and being friendly
Transport Th-Sun
Help transport book boxes from storage warehouse to book sales. We have a truck.